/EINPresswire.com/ Here the Bible is saying that our core self is gradually developed in the womb. The individual comes into being physically and emotionally over nine long months in the womb. A neural network through tuning of the brain takes shape through physically experiencing life through the womb environment. Nothing is experienced in words, it is all experienced emotionally through biochemical reactions.
Our inner most self is formed and is understood in physical emotions, it is understood by the right brain that feels in pure emotions without any expression in words. The left brain develops along side but remains kind of incapable of figuring out its self as the left brain works in words and it does not understand life in words at this early stage.
So it is clear that our inner most being is formed through the emotional language experienced in biochemical reactions. After birth the fundamental bonds of love and trust, self-esteem, self-image, distrust etc. are again formed through the positive feedback of hugs and kisses or slaps and pain. Life is initially experienced after birth through emotions without being understood in words.
It is clear that our inner most being is purely emotional. Our self image is created on emotional experiences in the womb and the initial physical experiences of life during the first few years of life. Experiencing life through words comes gradually much later as language is slowly learned and understood by the left brain. By the time the self is understood in words the emotional self expressed in physical biochemical reactions is already well set.
Nine months in the womb and another 5/6 years of upbringing create the core self image that has its emotional character traits set physically in the right brain. It is the physical quality of the right brain that determines the emotional quality of the individual where emotional intelligence is determined and projected through biochemical reactions. The biochemical reaction quality is determined by the physical quality of the brain. Thus to improve emotional intelligence the physical quality of the biochemical reactions has to be upgraded. This can happen only through physically improving the brain.
As emotional intelligence at the super mature stage is wisdom; wisdom is determined by the physical quality of the right brain. Thus wisdom is projected by the biochemical reactions. Wisdom is well set in pure emotions much before it can ever be understood in words. It is the physical quality of the brain that determines wisdom. Thus in order to cultivate wisdom the physical quality of the brain has to be upgraded.
Teaching wisdom has been more or less a failure because we try to teach wisdom through words. Wisdom is an emotional entity and its core is produced physically through emotions that are generated biochemically. In the majority the wisdom factor is emotionally damaged and so its restoration can only take place through emotional means. This is where our self image therapy comes in. It physically repairs the emotionally challenged brain, not just into a emotionally healthy brain but a emotionally super mature brain.
The connection between emotionally challenged behavior, emotional intelligence and the physical brain is very obvious. The latest advances in the mind sciences as well as common sense should show the science of understanding the self and how the self is generated as similar to what it says in the Bible. However in spite of all the progress in the mind sciences, the connection between the physical brain and emotional intelligence is still fuzzy. It is amazing that the link between a clean brain and emotional-intelligence/wisdom is not obvious to our wisdom experts, even though it is clear that an emotionally challenged brain is the cause of emotionally challenged behavior, which is unwise behavior!!! Can one even imagine unwise/ignorant behavior originating in an emotionally super mature brain! It is very clear that wisdom/emotional-intelligence education is about making the brain physically emotionally healthy.
Wisdom education is a failure because we ignore that wisdom is a pure emotion and its emotional nature stems from a physically healthy brain. It is like fresh knowledge in words is put into the brain where the brain is generating its own stale and polluted knowledge emotionally and so the fresh knowledge mixes with the stale knowledge and nothing changes. The stale knowledge producing physical brain has to be changed. Thus wisdom education is brain therapy. We already have therapies that make the sub-normal into normal we can use the same therapies to make the so-called normal into super normal.
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Please Forward This Press Release to Your Senator, Congressman, Education Secretary and All Those Connected With Education and make sure the President reads this. Pleas Spread the Word That it is now up to our Leaders to fix the Mess in Education and in all Life.
The 4th R Foundation which is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage etc.
Sajid Khan
4th r foundation/shypowerclub.com
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