American Urological Association Announces 2023-2024 H. Logan Holtgrewe Legislati… – Press Release


BALTIMORE, May 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The American Urological Association (AUA) today announced that Logan Galansky, MD, has been named the 2023-2024 H. Logan Holtgrewe Legislative Fellow. This fellowship is designed to prepare and educate urology residents and fellows in the legislative aspect of health policy.

As the AUA’s Holtgrewe Fellow, Dr. Galansky will complete a four-week fellowship with a legislative office in Washington, DC, participate in major AUA advocacy initiatives, including the Annual Urology Advocacy Summit and meetings of the AUA’s Public Policy Council and Legislative Affairs Committee. She also will attend the Brandeis University Executive Leadership Program in Health Policy & Management.

“Each year, the H. Logan Holtgrewe Legislative Fellowship draws high quality applicants from across the United States and 2023 is no different,” said AUA Public Policy Council Chair Dr. Eugene Rhee. “Dr. Logan Galansky embodies all the traits the selection committee hopes for in a Holtgrewe Fellow. She brings an unmatched understanding of public policy and a passion for advocacy to the fellowship that makes her a stalwart advocate for the AUA’s legislative priorities. She is the ideal choice for the 2023-2024 Holtgrewe Fellow and I congratulate her on this achievement.”

Dr. Galansky is a urology resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Brady Urological Institute in Baltimore, Md. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Policy Analysis and Science, Technology, and Society from Pomona College in Claremont, Calif. Dr. Galansky currently serves as the chair of the American Urological Association’s Policy and Advocacy Resident Workgroup, a member of the AUA State Advocacy Committee and an AUAPAC Champion. Her clinical and research interests include pediatric urology, congenitalism/transitional care, reconstructive urology and health services research, particularly…
