Celebrating Five Years of FORZA T5 Super Strength

/EINPresswire.com/ The year of 2007 will be remembered for many things – Gordon Brown’s appointment as Prime Minister, Bulgaria and Romania’s entry into the EU and the death of infamous motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel – but within the supplement industry it will mostly be remembered for the arrival of FORZA’s pioneering T5 Super Strength weight loss formula.

FORZA sparked an explosive revolution that saw the transformation of the ECA stack and other Ephedra-based diet pills into a safe and reliable alternative known as the T5, which managed to retain all of the incredible weight loss power while using nothing but high-quality authorised ingredients. In the years that followed, FORZA continued to enhance and improve its T5 formula without ever compromising its brand integrity. T5 Super Strength, like all other FORZA fat burners, has never been spiked with banned substances nor has it contained any ingredients opposed by the FDA.

“My time overseeing the development of T5 Super Strength at FORZA can be easily characterised as a case of diversifying through necessity to excel beyond others. It has always been of paramount importance that the product continued to have the same effects despite the fact that the regulatory guidelines and ingredient restrictions have altered on a yearly basis. We are proud to have achieved such a high level of product consistency and after half a decade of hard work and research T5 Super Strength is still a massive seller. This one product alone is the epitome of our growing brand and represents the way that our company operates.”

Lee Smith – Managing Director, FORZA

Five years on and the strength, quality and reliability of T5 Super Strength remains unmatched, making it the UK’s #1 selling diet pill. The slogan “If it’s not FORZA, it’s not a T5” has also just been successfully trademarked as the brand looks to further confirm its status as the leading UK manufacturer and supplier of weight management pills.

“I have been using T5 Super Strength for many years as I found it to be the only suitable replacement for the ECA stack that I used alongside my training 20 years ago. Once I had got my head around the fact that it was a food supplement, I actually found training in a clean way to be much more beneficial for my body, with less long-term dull aching in my kidneys and liver. As well as helping me reach my workout goals, the product has actually allowed me to develop my inner strength, in particular my willpower and self-discipline.”

Gary Corse – Loyal FORZA fan

FORZA Supplements has been an established sports nutrition and diet capsule manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer since 2007, holding over 15 trademarks and distributing worldwide from its Kent-based technology centre. Full site: www.forzasupplements.co.uk

Press contact: Sam Conebar sam@supplementfactoryuk.com