College students urge help for power coverage : Cayman Information Service

Students urge support for energy policy : Cayman News Service


Protect Our Future demonstration

(CNS): Local youth environmental activist group Protect Our Future recently hosted a demonstration and presentation of letters in front of the Government Administration Building last week to show their support for the plans and goals set out in the government’s revised National Energy Policy and to urge others to help roll out the adoption of green energy and achieve its goals as quickly as possible before it’s too late.

“Although the new energy policy is a major breakthrough for the Cayman Islands Government, without urgent changes in Cayman’s treatment of the environment, some of the goals that have been set may be too late,” the young activists warned in a release about the demonstration.

POF members have proved to be strong vocal advocates for the environment, with beach clean-ups and impressive social media campaigns promoting environmental issues. Their latest demonstration was originally meant to coincide with the
