01/31/2013 (press release: Onsharp) // West Fargo, North Dakota, United States // Joe Larson
Family Life Credit Services has been providing credit counseling and other finance-related services to families nationwide since 1986. In 2013, Family Life Credit Services is excited to add Financial Coaching to their list of services.
The financial coaching program is designed to help families, couples or individuals develop good money management habits and make smarter financial decisions. The program works just as the name implies. Participants will work with coach who will guide them towards financial success.
Coaches will meet with their mentee each month for up to six months, a year or even longer. By consulting and working with a financial coach, those in the Financial Coaching program will get help achieving their financial goals, while building a relationship with their mentor.
The process consists of filling out an application or calling 800-747-9307 to set up an appointment with a coach. Prior to the first meeting, participants compile financial documents, such as bank statements, debt statements, paystubs and other relevant information. After meeting, participants and their coach will develop an action plan, continue coaching and help you achieve your financial goals.
Other program programs offered by Family Life Credit Services include credit counseling, debt management, housing counseling, bankruptcy counseling and other educational programs and resources for financial success.
Family Life Credit Services is an organization of Christian credit counselors who provide confidential biblical Christian debt counseling help for individuals and families who have found themselves in financial crisis. We strive to help others achieve their personal, spiritual, and financial goals. For more information about Family Life Credit Services, please visit www.familylifecredit.org or call toll free at (800) 747-9307
Social Media Tags:Family Life Credit Services, Financial Coaching
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