03/04/2013 (press release: agendelman) // HIMSS13 CONFERENCE, NEW ORLEANS, USA // Asher Gendelman
“Every organization has a gap between the “intent” and “actual outcome”. grafShare’s objective is to fill that gap by leveraging the distributed workforce whose knowledge and input drive productivity and profits”, says Asher Gendelman, grafShare’s Business Development Advisor.
grafShare’s SaaS and Enterprise whiteboard have proven to be invaluable in:
• Health IT Business Process Re-engineering in support of ACA and HIPAA
• Merger & Acquisition Due Diligence
• Compliance Management for FDA Medical Devices, FCC Certification & Proposal War Rooms
• Documenting assets & processes where much of the configuration data is stored in disparate databases and Excel spreadsheet;
HIMSS Analytics Senior Director of Research said, “We’re seeing a pattern of consistent concern over IT staffing shortages. Clinical application support, network support, and clinical informatics professionals are in high demand.” Gendelman continues, “It is clear that health organizations need to deploy tools and platforms like grafShare that easily capture ideas, communication threads and tangible usable information”.
The grafShare platform is accessed from any browser. It presents visual information allowing multiple members of your distributed workforce to simultaneously edit and present those changes in real time to the rest of the team. “grafShare obliterates the need to take a photo of the marker board at the end of the meeting and summarize the results. grafShare’s whiteboards are living breathing documents that will enhance the outcome of any program, says Gendelman.
grafShare is available in SAAS and enterprise configurations. You can get started today for free at www.grafShare.com. The solution is available for Consultants, Corporate Users and Enterprise with prices starting at $99 per year. Demonstrations are available by contacting info@grafShare.com.
About grafShare
grafShare was developed by the founders of netViz to fill the market void that exists between drawing tools, databases, and collaboration engines. The team’s passion to solve the challenges associated with everyday collaboration, planning, and process development is visible through the platforms feature rich user interface and ability to integrate with enterprises. grafShare was built to work the way you do…over the web! Get it for your team!
Social Media Tags:collaboration, whiteboard, saas, due diligence, whiteboards, health organizations, visual information, Health IT, merger acquisition, M&A, informatics, ACA, HIMSS,
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