Family Life Credit Services Presents “Keeping Up With the Joneses” Webinar

03/07/2013 (press release: Onsharp) // West Fargo, North Dakota, United States // Joe Larson

Many people put in a constant effort to match-up their life to the ideal family, “the Joneses”. However, this constant comparison can end up being a waste of time, effort and money on the average American which often results in added stress. Family Life Credit Services is offering a free webinar, “Keeping Up with the Joneses” to anyone who wants to break the cycle and take control of their finances.

When your neighbor rambles on and on about his new Jet Ski and lake cabin, along with his upcoming trip to the Bahamas, you start thinking “what can I do to get that?” Too many shiny new purchases later you may come to find you are in a battle to “keep up with the Joneses.” Most of us have struggled from time to time with this comparing of our lifestyle to our neighbors, friends and family, without realizing it can easily put a strain on our finances immediately.

This webinar will help participants examine ways they try to “keep up with the Joneses”, determine how much it really costs and find out what changes can be made to help reach financial goals. Participants may come to realize they have been comparing and didn’t even know it; they will be challenged to face these comparisons head-on and see the negatives that come from them. This webinar is the fail-safe first step for those wanting to leave comparisons behind and create their own financial happiness.

“Keeping Up with the Joneses” is free to all participants, but registration is required. Sign up for the 1 p.m. CDT webinar Tuesday, March 12th at or the 7 p.m. CDT webinar Wednesday, March 13th at to reserve your spot. To learn more about Family Life Credit Services, please visit

Family Life Credit Services is an organization of Christian credit counselors who provide confidential biblical Christian debt counseling help for individuals and families who have found themselves in financial crisis. We strive to help others achieve their personal, spiritual, and financial goals. For more information about Family Life Credit Services, please visit or call toll free at (800) 747-9307

Social Media Tags:personal finance, webinar, money

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