01/06/2015 (press release: MonaghanComms) // Reno, Nevada // Elisabeth Monaghan
Although he self-published his first novel “Shades of Gray” months before the publication date of the popular “50 Shades of Grey” trilogy, Ra Lynn Lonewalker has relaunched his book under the title “The Personification of Love.” The story takes place after protagonist Maggie Fitzgerald loses her husband in World War II. Leaving her young daughter in the care of her parents, Maggie moves from Montana to take a job as the caretaker of a house in the Canadian northern wilderness of Waterton Park. She soon learns that the property she cares for is enchanted. A goddess appears to Maggie, challenging her sanity and beliefs. It’s through this goddess that Maggie finds the ability to live and love again.
But new life and love don’t come without a price. While living on this sacred land, Maggie, who has always followed the rules and lived a “traditional conservative life,” falls in love with another woman, something society in 1943 considers taboo. And because Maggie worships a female deity and is in love with a woman, her conservative family rejects her.
Now an outcast, Maggie follows the guidance of the goddess. Through a series of serendipitous events, she finds work as a photographer with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) documenting mysterious caves, richly decorated in an inexplicable ancient Egyptian style, in the American southwest and the French Alps. She is thunderstruck to learn that her lens has captured images of the goddess she came to know in the Park, a goddess related to the origin of mankind.
As The Personification of Love begins, it’s been over sixty years since anyone from Maggie’s family has had contact with her. It’s only on her deathbed that Maggie is able to speak with her grandson, Dillon, who until recently wasn’t even aware that his grandmother was still living. Through memories captured in photos in an old album and Maggie’s journal, Dillon discovers his grandmother’s remarkable life and learns the vital lesson she uncovered in ancient message—love in all its aspects is the true answer to our human problems.
About the Author
Ra Lynn Lonewalker grew up in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. He served in three U.S. military services (Navy, Marines, and Army national guard) as a medic and earned an associate degree in respiratory therapy, a BS in organizational management, and an MBA. Additionally, he spent time under the tutelage of two Native American medicine men. Lonewalker has traveled extensively getting to know the “every day people” of the world and is s proud to have spent time in all 50 of the United States. He considers his life and traveling experience an advanced degree from what he refers to as “Trekker University.”
In 2011 he published his first novel, Shades Of Gray, which he is releasing in early 2015 under the new title, The Personification Of Love. Lonewalker claims a new genre, which he calls “alternative spiritual fiction.” He says this because his characters and stories are of situations that are non-traditional and the spiritual characteristics come from various beliefs. For more information, visit http://www.RalynnLonewalker.com.
Publication date: January 2015
Hardcover: $17.60
ISBN 978-1505461640
To order, visit RalynnLonewalker.com, or Amazon.com
Social Media Tags:spirituality, women’s studies, fiction, novel, Ra Lynn Lonewalker, Personification of Love, author, republishes, publishing, LGBT, goddess worship, goddesses
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