Online press release distribution tips after Google Penguin

Garland , TX, USA, 04/24/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/

These days, the mere thought of Press Release and SEO together doesn’t have any impact anymore to almost everyone in the industry.  After Google has released the Hummingbird algorithm update almost a year ago, search engine optimization has changed a lot.  Good news is, it had changed for the better.  SEO had evolved once again.  The old practices are now considered as spam and black-hat tactics, while the new and emerging ones are considered as ethical and white-hat.  This is also true when it comes to Online Press Release Syndication. In the past, it has been widely-used for search ranking purposes but nowadays, if someone promises you better search rankings by using syndicated press releases, then you should be extra cautious.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Not Think of SEO When Syndicating Press Releases Online

When you syndicate your press releases on big PR sites and even pay for the service, you should now be aware that those backlinks you got from them don’t have any SEO effects anymore.  Those are just mere backlinks, thus you don’t need to pay extra bucks to get “higher” search rankings.  Below are important reasons why you should crash out the thought of SEO every time you syndicate your press releases.

1. Your main target audience are not regular readers or consumers.  

Journalists, editors, news writers, and even bloggers are not your typical readers.  These people can easily detect if your news story are over-optimized or if you are syndicating your press releases like crazy.  Your press release should be written with only your main target audience in mind.

2. Google now penalizes press releases that contain exact-matched keywords as anchor texts.  

The search engine giant has already reiterated many few times already that they are serious in penalizing websites who are abusing the use of press releases to manipulate search rankings.  Any signs of abuse or spamming can now lead to both manual and algorithm penalties.

3. All backlinks from press releases are no follow.  

One big reason why backlinks from press releases are useless for SEO has to do with the “no follow” link attribute.  No follow links don’t have SEO juice.  This means that search engines don’t bother to crawl or check them.  The no follow attribute tells search engine bots that the link is of no value.

4. Syndicating press releases online doesn’t guarantee that your target audience would see them.  

Most often, press releases that are syndicated online only appear for a very short time on top of a press release or news website, and then it will be buried forever down the deepest pages and it will be forgotten for good.  Also, almost all of them don’t get high search rankings. Thus, syndicating a press release to hundreds of syndication websites doesn’t guarantee that it can reach its main target audience.

5. Press release syndication sites are too expensive.  

Most PR and News websites that publish company press releases offer quite expensive rates that startups and small businesses can hardly afford.  Those who are not that popular offer lower rates but still they are not cost-effective.  

All these should have convinced you by now that using press releases for SEO purposes doesn’t work the same way as before.  The next time you do a press release distribution campaign, always keep in mind that search engine crawlers are never your target audience and that you are just wasting your effort and time doing it because it would lead you to nowhere.

Key takeaway:

Use press releases for creating traffic to the company website. A press release distribution company that distributes the release on sites that rank well gives the company doing press release better visibility. This will result in traffic and lead generation. After doing a press release check the links in tools like ahref and see which website out of the distribution partner shows in the new link tab under inbound links. Chances are that these traffic sources are good for in-bound marketing. Another great way is to check your links in the link research tools.  Using these tool will help you determine if the press release company you are using should be in your favorite list.

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Social Media Tags: press release distribution company, PR Syndication, Press release syndication, lead generation

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