Tag: anti bullying
Introducing The Peace and Love Train
Colorful Children's Book Makes Us Think About How We Treat Others, Teaches Us To Be Conductors of Our Own Lives
Poets tackle the issue of bullying & relive their experiences through...
This collection was created by Ashley Love in an effort to show there is life after bullying and that you are not alone.
KING OF THE KOOTIES: An Anti-Bullying Story from StarWalk Kids Media
StarWalk Kids Media is publishing a new, digital edition of the powerful children’s novel KING OF THE KOOTIES for Bullying Prevention Awareness Month (Oct 2013)
“Jackie Fame” Swauger Brothers Pen New Internet Safety Children’s Book
Kid entrepreneurs Joshua Swauger & Zachary Swauger release their first book of the "Kid2Kid" book series, “Kid2Kid, Keepin’ it Safe Online”.