Tag: drug and alcohol treatment
The Newport Film Festival, Orange County, and Prescription Drug Addiction
Much attention has been given to a film tackling a huge local problem with teen addiction: Yet this OC Drug Treatment Center knew it all along...
Day of 420 is Black Friday for Drug Abusers Says OC...
While some use marijuana awareness day to promote drug legalization, others use as an excuse to continue cycle of drug addiction says 449 Recovery Drug Rehab
Drug and Alcohol Treatment is a Gift Best Passed to Others
Recovery means reaching out to others in need of drug and alcohol treatment with empathy. Giving to others strengthens ones resolve in the battle of addiction.
OC Drug Treatment Center-No Shame in Teen Drug Addiction
The cycle of addiction can be prolonged as the stigma of teen drug abuse can delay youngsters most in need of drug and alcohol treatment.
Denying the Cycle of Alcohol Addiction
The recent arrest of Amanda Bynes might be a minor incident. But then again...did we say the same about Lindsay Lohan?
449Recovery.org; Legitimate use of Prescription Pills and Opiates
When going through Addiction- what is one to do when circumstances beyond control mean the medical necessity of prescription opiates?
OC Detox Center; Now is the Time for Drug and Alcohol...
449Recovery; Know Someone battling addiction?The Road to Recovery Starts Now!
No Shock in Prescription Pill Abuse says San Clemente Drug Rehab...
CNN report on prescription pill abuse come is nothing new for Orange Country Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
Whitney Houston Death Shows lack of Proper Drug and Alcohol Treatment
California drug rehab center 449Recovery speaks out against lethal combination of prescription painkillers and alcohol.